Being You (2014)
My works, which deal with beauty and cosmetic products, draw upon the disequilibrium between the unattainable ideal of beauty created by the consuming society and people's body with flaws and aging.

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24H Kiss Lip Balm (After use) Tinted lip balm, cherry berry essential oil Photograph by Vanessa Godden. 13.7”x 5.9”x 6.3”, 2014

24H Kiss Lip Balm (Viddeo still)

Golden Sexy Kitty Lipstick Gold-plated copper, lipstick Photograph by Azur Mele. 1.5”x2”x13” 2013

Golden Sexy Kitty Lipstick 2014 (Video still)

Golden Sexy Kitty Lipstick 2014 (Video still)

Print Advertisement for Perfect Curve Mascara

Perfect Curve Mascara (Before use) Pre-made handle of mascara, feather, steel wire, ribbon, plastic Photograph byVanessa Godden. 15.7”x3”x3” 2014

Perfect Curve Mascara (After use) Pre-made handle of mascara, feather, steel wire, ribbon, plastic Photograph byVanessa Godden. 15.7”x3”x3” 2014

Perfect Curve Mascara 2014 (Video still)

Print Advertisement for Naked Cover Foundation

Naked Cover Foundation Roller (Before use) Pre-made concealer brush, sterling silver, fabric from cosmetic puff 0.2”xo0.3”x0.5” 2014

Naked Cover Foundation Roller (After use) Pre-made concealer brush, sterling silver, fabric from cosmetic puff 0.2”xo0.3”x0.5” 2014

Naked Cover Foundation Roller 2014 (Video still)

Naked Cover Foundation Roller 2014 (Video still)

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