Foot Print Project (2013)
Collecting the worn-out shoe soles, tracing back to the paths, and developing the footprints, I make my work for regaining time in an impossible way. The process I use to translate finished found objects into new things is as important as the ultimate work.
The mortal body is an integral part of nature, which is where we come from, what we lose and where we will be – dust.

Shoe Sole Necklace 2012 worn-out soles, shoelaces, threads 11×21×0.4”

Dust 2012 particles of Worn-out soles, wood board, white paint Various dimensions If the hosts of those shoes are still wearing them and keeping going, what will happen? Things they experience are unknown and unpredictable, but the result-dust is unchangeable. Dust shows the vanishing process of soles by a still way. The ash is another form of body, and the ash will be another body someday. 如果这些鞋的主人继续穿着它们,会发生什么呢?他们的经历我无从知晓,也难以预测,但是结果是不变的,那就是变为灰尘。《尘》以一种静态的方式展现了这个消亡的过程。尘是另一种形式的身体,尘会变成另一个人身体。

Artist Draft 2012 paper, ink

Holy Book 2012 old shoe sole particles, resin 10.2x6.7x2.2" I create Holy Book according to a normal book size. There are many layers and the particles are sprinkled in the layers or between the layers. The particles accumulate layer by layer, like the page of a book. But the Holy Book cannot be opened, which means we cannot go through others’ experience in the passing time. 《圣书》的尺寸是普通书籍的尺寸,它又层层的鞋底粉末和树脂构成。它是一本无法被打开的书,因为一个人无法去经历另一个人过去的时间。

Shoe Sole Seals 2013 old shoe sole particles, resin 12x12x3.5" total, 1x1x3.5 per unit At that time, I was also working on another piece, believing that I could improve upon the resin block. So I made a piece to help people to understand “walking” in another way. Walking is not only about walking. It is the body that writing your path, your traces and your history when walking. 在那时,为了让人们以另一种方式去理解“行走”,我也用树脂创作另一件相关的作品。行走不仅是用双脚去走路,也是在用身体去书写自己的轨迹,命途和个人历史。

Shoe Sole Seals 2013 (Detail) old shoe sole particles, resin 1x1x3.5 per unit The word “foot” which indicates both the unit of measurement and the human footprints, so I collected 144 pieces of old shoe soles and took only 1 inch square out of them. The left parts were grinded into particles. When 144 inch squares compose together, the size is one foot square exactly. 英语foot(脚/英尺)一语双关,于是我收集了144只旧鞋鞋底,并且从每只鞋底上取下1平方英尺,剩余的部分被磨成粉末。当这144平方英尺的鞋底聚在一起,面积为一英尺(One foot square)。

Shoe Sole Seals Print 2013 paper, ink 12x12 One Foot Square references the movable-type printing in ancient China and the seals for showing credit and personal identity in Asian countries. Thus, this work shows that a person’s own experience builds up his or her history and identity. It is the history of humans in an unreadable language. 《一平方英尺》暗指中国古代的活字印刷和亚洲家庭用的姓名印章。直到今天,印章依然被用在签名上,以示信用和身份。因此,这件作品表达了一个人的经历构建了一个人的个人历史和身份的概念。这是一种不可读的语言,而当他们聚在一起,则构成了不可读的人类历史。

Shoe Sole Project in Sol Kaffler Gallery, Providence, RI, US 2013

Shoe Sole Project in Sol Kaffler Gallery, Providence, RI, US 2013